Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Aloha online blogging community! Often, when were walking through our days, there are many brilliance inspiring moments that cause us to form earth shatteringly wise sayings or phrases! 

And so we congratulate ourselves with a pat on the back. maybe sharing it with a friend or two; normally drawing a polite smile or chuckle at our self thought genius. 

For you, you might think of it as a reaffirmation of your God-given intelligence. For others, they could be a plain annoyance, like a fly. However, if the phrase shows itself to be true wit then let it be! Its as beautiful as finding a rainbow in a fountain. 

HERE ON THIS BLOG! Is where we will post our one-liners, puns, phrases, theories and personality laced wit. Pick up lines included. 

Why did we decide on starting this blog? 

The two writers were pretty much locked in a discussion over the significance and undeniable logic that giving someone nothing is giving them something. Because nothing is a thing. Then we looked at each other in a moment of divine inspiration and understanding and immediately; an idea formed. We should form a blog for our musings of wisdom! To share with the world, old and young, rich and poor, government and private, plebeian, bourgeoisie and nobles alike! (people mostly our age actually)

We also realized that for every Yang there must be a Ying. As so therefore, we invited Tee Jowee to the mix. One girl vs two girls you might ask. Of no significance we answer, Jowee  is pretty much equal to a room full of intelligent guys; minus the stench.

Word FLies is so named because our words are like flies! Bits and pieces of prose for buzzing around your head.


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